Time Anambas:


Ferry to Anambas
Wilst the Anambas archipel is fairly remote, it's been blessed with a ferry service for a number of years. Originally, it was mostly the local residents that used to take this ferry, for example to visit relatives on the mainland, or for business purposes.

Passengers catching the breeze on the Anambas ferry sundeck
Passengers catching the breeze on the Anambas ferry sundeck

These days however, more and more overseas travelers have begun taking the ferry, particularly budget tourists like backpackers. The ferry is, after all, relatively affordable. As such, booking your ferry in advance is recommended.

The ferry journey takes about 8 hours, but this depends on weather and sea state of course, given that these factors can influcence the sea surface to quite an extent. Typically, the windier, the choppier, the slower the ferry, possiby to in excess of 10 hours.

Ultimately, the authorities may even suspend or cancel the ferry if and when the sea gets too high. This tends to happen during the windy season, i.e. December to February. The rest of the year is usually relatively calm, with generally fair weather and friendly breezes. That said, we do get what are called Sumatra Squalls every so often. These pass through the area, but luckily only last for a few hours at the most.

Flight to Anambas
Flying to Anambas is a convenient and comfortable affair. The flight lasts less than one hour and service, both on the ground and in the cabin is great. On the flip-side, luggage is more restricted than when taking the ferry. Additionally, ticket price for the plane also is higher than a ferry ticket.

Flying to Anambas = Convenience and comfort
Flying to Anambas = Convenience and comfort

One other different to note is that the ferry will drop off its passengers at the ferry jetty, right at the centre of the kampong. The Anambas airport on the other hand is some ways away, so keep in mind that there will be a taxi ride to take to your hotel of choice once you've landed. And vice versa on your return tri of course.

Still, given all the flight benefits, especially the considerable amount of time saved, taking the plane to Anambas is arguably the better deal.

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